Friday, July 12, 2013

Canadian publishing evolutions

More notes on the evolution of Canadian book publishing:

Denis Smith, historian and friend of this blog, draws our attention to his new book General Miranda's Wars: Turmoil and Revolt inSpanish America, 1750-1812, (more Latin-American than Canadian history, he acknowledges) and also to its epublisher, Bev Editions, which has an interesting list of new books and re-(E-) prints of many distinguished Canadian books and authors.

Meanwhile, Heather Lownes at Douglas & McIntyre in Vancouver, the bankruptcy of which we recently mentioned, reminds me that the imprint has been revived under new ownership and has reintroduced history offerings, such as a new paperback edition of Stephen Bown's biography of Vilhjalmur Stefansson Roald Amundsen, The Last Viking. 

The new D&M catalogue downloads from here.
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