Monday, June 13, 2016

Quebec Conference 1864 from Presses Laval

La Conference de Quebec de 1864 150 Ans Plus Tard: Comprehendre l'émergence de la fédération canadienne is recently published by Presses de l'Université Laval.

It is a collection of papers, edited by Eugénie Brouillet, Alain-G. Gagnon and Guy Laforest, drawn from a conference (Yes, a conference on the conference) held at Quebec City in October 2014.  Eric Bédard, Phillip Buckner, Louis-Georges Harvey, Christopher Moore, Stéphane Kelly, David Cameron, André Burelle, Paul Romney, Guy Laforest, Robert Vipond, Anne Trépanier -- a big crowd of political and constitutional historians, both anglophone and francophone, of greatly diverse views, but all taking the confederation moment and its consequences with great seriousness.

For this volume, all the English-language contributions have been translated into French, which means francophone students and scholars will have new access to a lot of unfamiliar scholars with unfamiliar views and opinions on the history of federalism.

Now, if an English-language press would translate the French-language papers to produce an all-English version, the same thing might happen in the rest of Canada....

I'll have more about this publication at the right moment. But it needs to be read.

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